Pilots - Save on Plug Wires & Coils!
Plug Wire $59.95 Per
(BMW price : $67.00 EACH - OUCH!)
Non - Suppressed Spark Plug Wires for 4 Valve Twins, R850 / 1100
/ 1150
For all Oilhead models with ONE spark plug per cylinder , 1993
- 2002
These replacement spark plug wires
are a great alternative for the pricey original parts, with no
loss of quality, performance, or reliability . They will fit and
work just like the original part, and the removal tool in your
toolkit will work as it should to prevent damage when removing
the caps from the spark plugs. A tough outer sheathing of high
- temperature nylon braid will help prevent damage from wear and
abrasion. A small tube of dielectric grease is provided to ease
installation and future disassembly, and help prevent corrosion
on the metal ends as well.
Modern, high - energy ignition systems demand that the secondary
cables are in perfect condition for all the sensitive electrics
to perform as intended. Hard starting, poor economy, and mysterious
hiccups can all be caused by plug wires that have degraded with
age or been damaged by careless servicing. These wires are the
reasonable solution for keeping your bike running as good as new.
Oilhead Ignition Coil $59.95 each
( BMW price $76.00 )
4 Valve Twins, 1993 - 2004
This coil is the original equipment part for use on R850, R1100,
and R1150 models with ONE spark plug per cylinder. These coils
are of the latest construction method designed to address the
failures that sometimes occurred on the original part during the
first few years of production.
They will bolt right on with no modifications and provide correct, reliable functioning of the secondary ignition system.